sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008

¿Qué es lo que quiero?

¿Qùé tan posible es convencerse de una mentira? A veces pareciera que estamos obligados a intercambiar trozos de felicidad por dosis de paz...suena a basura, ¿cómo dejar que las cosas buenas de tu vida escapen entre tus dedos mientras tu te convences de que es lo mejor que puede suceder?

¿Porqué si es tan bueno duele de esa manera? y no importa cuantas canciones escuche ni cuanto piense o intente olvidar el asunto, vuelve cual boomerang a estrellarse en mi cabeza para arrancarme los sentidos.

Am I a stupid girl?

If I try and try and give the best that I have, and you only can't find that part, that hide part of you...the part that love me or even try it.

I'm tired to say everything I deserve, I want to feel me happy and the only reason I have to stop to trying is you... How do u thing I feel? I feel tired and lost and like a fuckin' insane, cause I'm fighting against your stupid head...I wish you were a little more human and less spiritual.

All that I have is you turn back, look at me and say the things you're afraid to say. 'Cause I'm ready to hear all that shit, I'm ready to hear that you tried but you couldn't...I'm not only ready for that, I only need that. I know you're not coming back, and if you do it that will be when I want you not only out of my life, that will be when I achieve take and spit out of my life.

My dog now is lost...and I have to pee. Bye!!

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